What is Phishing and is this something to be very wary of? I know you and - Dan only meant to be funny, but it's a real issue. These are vicious criminals that prey on everyone, especially the old who are not that computer literate. This is very serious business and some of these guys are good, most are easy to spot if you are educated about it.
I am seeing people every week being taken for hundreds of dollars and all their credit card and bank information stolen by these con artists. PS I may go ahead with the discourse but it's going to take some time, I tried to address this asking a question about Plishing about four month ago, but you only made a joke about it and no real answers were given to a problem which is a very serious threat. I could do a long discourse on this but tell me why you think malwarebites is the ticket.
Jim, of course I am seeing this and so many phishing schemes everyday now and for the last couple of years.