Mac high sierra git pull ask for password

broken image
broken image

Pg_restore: could not execute query: no connection to the server

broken image

Pg_restore: Error from TOC entry 11134 1259 1212121974 INDEX index_some_name_id username This probably means the server terminated abnormally Pg_restore: could not execute query: server closed the connection unexpectedly Pg_restore: Error from TOC entry 11132 1259 1212121894 INDEX index_some_name_id username Pg_restore: could not execute query: ERROR: invalid page in block 7132 of relation base/21712/24758

broken image

Pg_restore: Error from TOC entry 11130 2606 788502597 CONSTRAINT about_mes_pkey user_name There seemed to be no issues when the postgres db was only 10 GB. FYI, I tried both the built in disk resize from Docker CE 17.12 as well as qemu-img with gparted. I have been experimenting with Docker.raw, trying to get it to work with a 300 GB postgres db and have been having all kinds of random errors when trying to restore the 300GB db.